Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Taco Wednesday!

I woke up later than usual today and didn't get to the gym until around 6. I felt refreshed and well rested though so it was totally worth it! After the gym today I planed to go to Bikram Yoga but when I got home and found Olivia was sick with either allergies or a cold, decided against using their daycare. Especially since that probably would have meant getting the side eye from some of the other parents for bringing in the sick germs! I still have 30 minutes of cardio to get into my day so I will hopefully get in a sprint workout on the treadmill tonight. Instead of yoga, Olivia and I ran some errands and she picked out a new movie to watch while lounging around on the coach having a "sick" day. I'm really hoping she is back to feeling better before her Birthday Party this weekend!! Yes, in less than a week I will have a three year old! I'm feeling overwhelmed at the thought of that! She's no longer my baby, she'll be starting preschool in fall, making friends, and participating in her own activities. I know she's going to love it all and I must admit this age has been my favorite so far! She's her own little person who makes me laugh, smile, want to pull my hair out, and is my little partner in everything I do!

I have quite the yummy recipe to share with you all today! I'm so excited about it because it was so yummy and so healthy! I can even eat this meal 4 weeks out from my show! Did anyone notice today's date?? March 28th......THE 28th!! YES, ONE MONTH away from showtime!

Recipe of the day:
Turkey Tacos
1 pound of ground lean Turkey
Food for Life Brown Rice Tortillas
Garlic Powder
Coconut oil
Baby Spinach

This recipe is so easy! All I did was cook up some ground turkey on the stove top and season it with garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Once that was done cooking I heated up the tortillas so they were warm and sightly crispy. Then I spread 1 tablespoon of coconut oil on the tortilla, scooped the ground turkey on top, and covered with baby spinach!
So so so delicious!!!! Of course if you are not in competition prep you could also add cheese, salsa, sour cream, beans etc to make your own personal taco!
Don't be afraid of the coconut oil! It is so good for you, we need healthy fats in our diets to lose weight!! Don't look at the fat and calorie content of it and automatically think it is better to make these without it!

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