Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

i started my Memorial day off right.....TRX at 7am which is an hour and 15 minutes later than the normal time for bootcamp! Yay for sleeping in a little bit. My alarm actually didn't go off this morning so I woke up at 6:15 and rushed around to get to Salem MA for 7! Before starting the workout Marjan said she would be taking out our lunchtime carb.....scares me a bit, but I'm up for the challenge! After a great workout I came home to oatmeal and 2 hardboiled eggs. After my cheat meal (day) yesterday it was nice to get back on track.
Its really muggy out today and we are expecting thunderstorms so I am going to hold off on my run today until later this evening, After my 3:00 pm run yesterday in the blazing sun I think I will hold off running outside during the peak of the sunshine.
I'm off to entertain a very hyper 2 year old! Will post again about my no carb lunch and dinner day...eeeek. Wish me luck! This girl sure loves her carbs! xox

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