Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess!

What an amazing weekend I had! We celebrated Miss Olivia's third Birthday by going to The Chocolate Bar  in Boston at the Langham Hotel. It was pure chocolate heaven and so beautiful! Everything about it was perfect. Since the competition is so close the only thing I was able to have was the coffee and a couple of strawberries. The coffee was amazing! Seriously....everything about this place was perfect! From the decor, to the waitstaff, our amaing company, and of course the chocolate! Adam took one bite into his and said "WOW, that's good chocolate!" We have plans to go back right after my competition so I can indulge a bit in the chocolate heaven! The Birthday girl ended up being obsessed with the cotton candy and gummy bears...go figure! 
Before heading into Boston Adam and I were able to get in a 30 min HIIT sprint workout at the track! It was great, it always goes by so much faster with a workout buddy and being outdoors. It was cold but we dressed appropriately and warmed up quickly! 
That night Adam and I went to see The Hunger Games. It was really good but really long! I also thought that if you hadn't read the book it might be a little bit confusing since I didn't think the movie did the best job at describing some important details...Although I guess I am a the books always better type of person! It was a long, fun day and the movie was a late one so we didn't get in until around 1:30 am. I had Sunday Session in New Hampshire at 9 and was awake at 6:30 to get ready. I was exhausted, but when i got home was able to lay on the couch for a bit! 
Today is Olivia's real Birthday so we are off to pick out a Birthday cake and have a little Birthday fun! I can't believe my princess is already three! Happy Birthday to my sweet little princess! Being your Mommy is the greatest gift I've ever received. You give me a whole new view on life and show me that simple things are really the most special. Love you Olivia Taylor!

The show is quickly approaching...Here are my latest progress pictures!! The diet is changing now and the next couple weeks will be all about leaning me out! 

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