Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Monday, April 9, 2012

18 days out, Progress pics & 'Easter!

Happy Monday everyone! 

What a weekend I had. It was a whirlwind, after my ME day. I'm pretty sure karma got me for having too much time to myself. Friday night Olivia woke up in the middle of the night with a 102 temperature and spent most of the night in and out of sleep. She was miserable and I of course couldn't sleep either. Fevers are scary business and it was really the first one she's ever had! We've been really lucky. Saturday morning we had a coffee date planned with one of my favorite girls Des. We went to Plum Island Coffee Roasters where I enjoyed a small reward meal of granola (I also had an extra large egg white omelet before heading out)! The granola was great, it gave me that crunchy carb that I've been craving all week. Des got my favorite, a Cinnamon walnut scone, and Olivia had a piece of Cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Everything looked delish. Plum Island Coffee Roasters is my go to for an amazing scone. I'm normally not into scones but there is something about theirs that I love. 
The rest of Saturday was spent running errands to prepare for Easter Sunday. A quick visit to my parents house and Olivia started to really crash again. She is normally a crazy, playful, energetic 3 year old, but instead sat on the couch with Grandpa watching tv. By the time we got home she was asking to take a nap instead of helping me make our Easter Rice Krispie Treats. (They came out amazing everyone told me in case you were wondering) Saturday night was a lot like Friday, up all night with Olivia not feeling well. Adam and I had planned on doing my functional workout at the track before Easter Brunch but we both woke up exhausted and in no mood to rush around or leave Olivia, so we skipped it. My parents house was filled with delicious treats, monkey bread, bagels, home fries, bacon, cookies, cakes, and lots of chocolates! It was really hard to avoid everything since I really do love easter candy and I've been craving carbs like bagels. Thank goodness I had brought over my healthy dishes though and left feeling proud that I didn't give into any temptations. I was able to enjoy a little baked oatmeal, asparagus with turkey wrapped around it, a couple strawberries and of course hard boiled eggs!
After brunch at Mom and Dads house, I headed down to Norwood for a private posing session with Coach Jules! I've come a long, long, way but I still have a lot of work to do! Practice, practice, practice, every single day! Oh, and must do "cat vomits" to bring out my abs! haha more on that later, Thanks Jules for a great session. I always learn a lot from you! 
I got home around 5 and still had that dreaded workout to do. I was so exhausted but I knew it had to get done so I ran over to the track and did my functional workout. It wasn't easy, I was tired, out of breath, just wanted to go home, but I got it done! 18 days out from the show is not the time to take it easy. 

19 days out!
Speaking of being 18 days out, here is this weeks progress pictures! I am starting to see some changes from last week. This close to the show I am trying to get over any doubts I have in myself and let my excitement and adrenaline get me through the next couple weeks diet, workouts, and confidence! I pickup my figure suit tomorrow and my bikini and theme wear should be arriving any day now! Adams ticket to the show arrived in the mail the other day...there's no turning back now! 

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