Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Friday, April 13, 2012

"Being grateful"

I woke up today at 7 am and it felt amazing to sleep in! I was ready to take on this beautiful Friday full of energy and appreciate this much needed rest day. I had been really tired lately with my diet and workouts getting tougher, so this was exactly what I needed! I was excited about it, felt great when I woke up,  and then life happened, Olivia was whiny, I started to get tired, hungry, irritated 
at little things all because life threw a couple curve balls at me. That's when I knew I needed to take a step back and appreciate the life I have. It's not perfect and it never will be, but its my life. I have everything I ever dreamed of having when I think back to what I pictured life would be like as an adult. We own a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood, where I feel safe, a beautiful daughter, a husband whom I adore, supportive friends and family close by and more non necessity things than we should probably have. 

When I think about the things I really complain about I know I need to view them differently. "I'm so hungry." I may be eating less than I am used to during competition prep, but seriously, I wanted to do this, why am I complaining about it? My daily calorie and food intake make be on the lower side for Americans, but in another country what I eat would probably be a feast to them! "I'm so tired." Why? Do I have a warm bed to sleep in? Sure do! Have you seen the sleeping conditions of an American Soldier and Marines in a war zone? Again, what do I have to complain about? "Everything is so expensive!" Yes, it is. However, I'm proud to make my mortgage payment every month. To pay bills means your family has an income, you have utilities, you have food on the table. "Olivia is so fussy today!" Really? This one is probably my biggest daily frustration. I see all she has, all the love she has, and wonder what in the world could she have to complain about. Then I remember she is only human, she is 3 years old, and she's just like me! She learns from me everyday so it's time to show her there is no need to get worked up over the littlest things! We have so much to be grateful for and I know I need a more "glass half full" view on life. With the competition quickly approaching and my stress level quickly rising, I know I need to really go back and remind myself to slow down and appreciate every moment of this life. I am so grateful for my the people I have met through Cathy Savage Fitness, who understand what its like to diet and train for a competition, my family and friends for the support I wasn't sure I would receive while training for the competition, and Adam and Olivia who have to deal with me when I'm hungry. What are you most grateful for? 
After my little pep talk to myself the kids and I headed outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather we are having! We all loved getting a little sun and playing with bubbles and on the swing set. It's amazing how happy kids can change everything. They look for the good in everyone, they are trusting and forgiving. They move on from things that upset them so quickly, they teach me so much about life and love everyday.  I spent the rest of the afternoon on a little coffee date with my little love Olivia and now we are home and she is sleeping on the couch!
Friday night plans are more stoning of my suit and watching The Descendants! Tomorrow morning I have a date with the gym for a leg workout, then 30 minutes of sprints at the track. The weather is supposed to be incredible so I'm really looking forward to getting in my cardio outdoors. 
Hope everyone enjoys their Friday night! 

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