Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Savage Girl!

I have officially registered with Cathy Savage Fitness. My original plan was to wait until after I ran the half marathon but I figured hey why not get started on the plan a little bit early! It was an early birthday present from Adam! I am on day 4 of the program and so far absolutely love it! The first 3 days consisted of following a list of clean foods and putting together basically my own meal plan using those foods. Eat what I craved on the list when I craved them. Basically Cathy and my coach Jules will access my eating habits and put together a personalized plan for me. I emailed my 3 days log lat night and am anxiously awaiting my plan! I am starting the workouts tomorrow (Monday) I was planning on starting today but some hurricane Irene is cramping all my workout plans for the day. Vinyassa Yoga, a run outside, Bikram.....all cancelled! 
We took Miss Olivia to Story Land yesterday and I had my first real challenge....I know, I know after 2 days already having struggles! We were out of the house all day before breakfast until after dinner which meant I had to do some serious meal planning.  I stayed on track 100% even drinking my gallon of water! It felt so good to accomplish being out of the house all day and still sick to the plan. It made me feel a lot more confident about the whole figure competition.  Packing meals and eating a spinach and tuna salad on a park bench was totally worth Olivia's reaction to meeting Cinderella!
I'm off to brave this hurricane...or tropical storm...or wind and rain since all my relaxing classes are cancelled. I don't know what is worse the hurricane itself or being trapped inside all day with a 2 year old! In all seriousness she is having so much fun "fishing" in the living room with Adam who got the day off thanks to the storm!! 

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