Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Sorry I've been missing in action lately. I really have no reason for not blogging besides pure laziness. I have been keeping up with my workouts and healthy eating though and am feeling great! I met with Sylvia from A Yoga Practice about the Yoga Instructor Training. She made me feel really good about the entire program and is really helping me with my decision as to do it or not! So here's the deal, Its a lot of money, a lot of time, and I have my heart set on another goal as well. I am weighing my options to see if I can swing doing both things at once.......to enter a figure competition and take the 10 month instructor course. I know that while raising my two year old daughter, and taking care of my nephew a few days a week this will be a challenge. However, I do not have a full time job, i have am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom for the time being so I just don't know when would be a better time to take on this challenge. My heart says to just do both! I have a couple weeks to decide on the Yoga instructor training and I can decide anytime I want to start training for the competition. 
This week has felt like a real "vacation" week! Monday was spent in New Hampshire at the lake house, Tuesday was the beach and Cars 2 at the movie theatre, Wednesday was Six Flags, and today we are going to stay in to beat the heat except for maybe a coffee trip to Newburyport to meet up with my friend Brooke! We are in a heat wave right now and as much as I complain all winter, I really dislike heat like this! As soon as out step outside you have to literally catch your breath. So instead of six flags park food we stopped at Fresh City on the way home! I had heard good things about it so we decided to give it a try! It was delicious! I ordered the Chicken Poblano -
Herb roasted chicken, poblano mustard, roasted vegetables, tomato on rustic baguette
While they were making my sandwich someone else ordered an Olympia Greek wrap which looked even better and I am already planning my next trip to order it! 
I'm off to spend my day with  y favorite little two year old...oh and my favorite guy too! (at least until he has to go to work) Enjoy your day everyone! xox

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