Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why I decided to become an ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

When people would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I always said a lawyer. I loved to talk, I loved to argue, prove a point, and I loved to help people. However, when I learned the amount of time and school work required, I decided a job where I could help people in another way would be better for me. Sitting at a desk all day writing papers was not exactly for me. I didn't know what I would do, and how I would help them, but I knew I wanted to be a part of peoples lives, and make a positive influence on it.  I was overweight, couldn't run a mile, was intimidated by the gym, and had no idea what eating healthy was. If someone told me then, my way of helping people, would be through fitness and nutrition, I would have laughed. Fast forward, a decade or so later, and here I am, living a life promoting the value of exercise and proper nutrition. The thought of others gaining confidence, inner and outer strength, and a healthy body and mind, gives me so much joy. The fitness world has introduced me to people who are kind hearted, supportive, and like a second family. The people I have met through my journey to better health have become some of my best friends, my motivation, and my biggest supporters. It took me years of crash dieting, over exercising, bad trainers, and self doubt to finally find the right people in Fitness Community to properly guide me to this lifestyle! I finally learned it wasn't about getting skinny or to a certain number on the scale. It was about getting strong, physically and mentally. Believing in myself, and my self worth, not for the size of my jeans, but the size of my heart. I am forever grateful and indebted to them. 
My passion for everyone to experience a lifestyle of better health is what led me to deciding to become a personal trainer. I want everyone to understand that they can live a healthy lifestyle no matter what their current situation is. Is just takes the commitment, and decision to say "yes, I can do this." 
There is no better feeling in this world than seeing other succeed.  I feel as though I have been given the knowledge and resources to pass on to others, to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Meeting my own goals and dreams, gives me an incredible feeling of accomplishment, but o inspire someone, and watch them meet and surpass their own goals truly makes my heart happy ! 
I am so excited to start helping others set their own fitness goals, meet those goals, surpass them, and give them the opportunity to inspire someone else! 