Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my experiences with food, fitness, and life. I love to motivate and encourage, and will offer tips, but keep in mind when it comes to your health and fitness, do your research.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Self Awakening Yoga Studio

It had been 2 weeks since I had last been to Yoga since my groupon ended at The Yoga Tree. I had gotten another groupon for a place in Salem NH, Self Awakening Yoga Studio. I made it to the 6 am class today and was impressed!! It was not quite as good as the Yoga tree but it was still great! I guess the 2 minute drive to Yoga Tree compared to 15 to the one in Salem was one reason I didn't like it as much! Also the 15 minute time difference really made a huge difference. It felt really short today, and of course my favorite instructor Caroline was not at Self Awakening. Other than that though it was a great class and I certainly got my sweat on! Once this groupon is up I will probably purchase a package from The Yoga Tree. I got home to Daddy ready to go to the gym...and Olivia, well being Olivia. The picture above pretty much sums up their relationship!
As far as my diet is going with the new revised plan minus my lunch carbs I am doing pretty good! I got some sugar free dessert gum to help me get through the day when I am really having a craving. So far so good!
Since tomorrow I don't have any classes scheduled I am planning on getting up around 5 to go to the gym for a strength training workout and maybe ending with a short run on the treadmill.
I've been to scared to step on the scale because I don't want to know if its still not budging with this strict diet. I plan to weigh in tomorrow morning though and will have an update then!
In other news, Olivia peed on the potty two times today!! I was so excited and most likely scared her from my yelling, jumping, and cheering! Looks like we may have a visit to the ice cream stand tonight if Mommy can resist the temptation! haha. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

i started my Memorial day off right.....TRX at 7am which is an hour and 15 minutes later than the normal time for bootcamp! Yay for sleeping in a little bit. My alarm actually didn't go off this morning so I woke up at 6:15 and rushed around to get to Salem MA for 7! Before starting the workout Marjan said she would be taking out our lunchtime carb.....scares me a bit, but I'm up for the challenge! After a great workout I came home to oatmeal and 2 hardboiled eggs. After my cheat meal (day) yesterday it was nice to get back on track.
Its really muggy out today and we are expecting thunderstorms so I am going to hold off on my run today until later this evening, After my 3:00 pm run yesterday in the blazing sun I think I will hold off running outside during the peak of the sunshine.
I'm off to entertain a very hyper 2 year old! Will post again about my no carb lunch and dinner day...eeeek. Wish me luck! This girl sure loves her carbs! xox

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello Summer

Well summer is here! My car said 86 degrees. I guess as a New Englander I should be used to it by now, but I guess I'm never happy with our weather....What happened with Spring??
Today I woke up at 5:30 am to go to the gym to lift some weights. I had a terrible time sleeping because my house was like a sauna so I'm pretty much going off of 3 hours of sleep today. An IV of coffee would be great!
I spent 10 minutes running at the gym then mostly worked on legs. I really need a lesson on what do as far as strength training, I feel like I always get there and don't know what to do. Adam said he would write something up for me. I spent about an hour working legs, and abs. It wasn't a waste of time but I know I surely could have done more.
I am 4 weeks into the TRX boot camp. I have definitely noticed a difference in my clothes and lost about 6 pounds. Marjan did say she would be removing our 1 cheat day a week for the final four weeks of boot camp to get us into the best shape for the summer. I'm really loving this boot camp and hoping they will continue something like it throughout the summer!
I'm spending the weekend up north at my parents lake house. I havent been there in awhile so it will be nice to get away!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Great Harvest Bread Co. Nashua NH

When I found out we would be getting a Great Harvest Bread Company locally (or somewhat locally, a 45 min drive is as local as they get I suppose) I was so thrilled! My sister first introduced me to their bread when the closest one was in Beverly, MA. Unfortunately that store closed..I'm not exactly sure why as it was always busy whenever I stopped in! Great Harvest Bread Company handcrafts their breads daily using only pure simple ingredients, they never use chemicals or additives, simply ingredients from nature. It is honestly the best bread I have ever tasted and if the store was closer i would most likely be there on a daily basis. It's probably best it is a little drive. The wheat loaf is always a classic staple in my house, but last time I was in I also tried the red pepper Swiss. My husband and I were both crazy about that one! I made a sandwich on it the next morning and was drooling over the fresh flavorful taste of it. My husband made a turkey sandwich on it for a week everyday for lunch......he must not have liked it as much :) We also tried the English muffin loaf, it was so different, so delicious and of course so fresh! My 2 year old daughter who eats nothing absolutely loved it! Spread some peanut butter, Nutella, or Almond butter on top and you have a perfect breakfast! Next time I'm in the store I will be picking up one of the Great Harvest spreads. I also grabbed the Cinnamon raisin oatmeal to try. That didn't let me down either! I am all out of the bread and can't wait to get back there to restock! The staff there is so friendly and welcoming and will offer you a taste of any of the samples! I have heard from many people that the pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and Cinnamon rolls are a must have! My first visit there I brought home a sandwich for my husband to try that he raved about for days. Now if you have seen the sandwiches he normally makes you would know he is not easy to please with his sandwiches!
Nashua Great Harvest Bread Co. I wish you much success, we really need a great local place like you around!

Monday Morning, more rain!

Another Monday morning waking up at 4:30 to cold rain and a hardcore TRX class! Seriously the instructor Marjan really can kick some serious booty! I was still pretty exhausted from the Mud Run yesterday but I really needed to start the week off right! I was glad I got up and went and got it out of the way.
I stopped for a Starbucks coffee with soy milk to enjoy on my 45 minute drive home. When I got home I had 2 eggs and a bowl of oats with cinnamon, truvia, and sliced up apples.
Olivia is still chilling in her bed and my nephew Jacob was up all night for his Mom so he is sleeping now too! I'm having a relaxing morning sipping on some green tea. I'm pretty sure any minute now both kiddos will be waking up so Im off to get a few things done before having to figure out what to do with them on another rainy day!
Hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hoppin Mad Mud Run!

Today was the Hoppin Mad Mud Run in Amesbury MA. A 10k with about 15 military obstacles thrown in the course. It was the most fun I've had in awhile! I ran with my husband Adam, my bff Des and her husband Clyde. It was cold and dreary but it didn't stop us from having an amazing time!
I was really nervous last night and didn't sleep well at all. We finally got up out of bed around 7:30 for some oats and eggs. Then I went to Starbucks for my coffee with soy milk. We headed to Amesbury for 10 to get ready for the 11:00 start time.
The run was fairly hilly but not too much to handle. There was one hill that almost took everything out of me but ended with a downhill water slide so all was good. I was so excited to see my friend Brooke at the end. She was hardcore like Adam and dove right into the mud! I on the other hand decided crawling with my head out of the mud was best!
After the mud run we had Des and Clyde over for some turkey burgers, Sweet potato fries, mixed veggies, and Tinas Peanut Butterry Bars http://carrotsncake.com/2009/06/peanut-buttery-bars.html
Later on I was still a little hungry so I had a cheese stick and 100 cal pack of almonds.
Dinner tonight was a leftover turkey burger minus the bun over a spinach salad. I was way to exhausted to cook again!
I can cross a 10k race off my bucket list. My next goal is a half marathon and I plan on signing up for on after this summer! A September or October race.
I have TRX in the morning so I am off to bed. its really going to kick my butt getting up at 4:30 tomorrow but I plan on a very lazy day after that!
Goodnight! xox

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

please please stop raining!! The Hoppin Mad Mud Run is quickly approaching.....THIS SUNDAY! AHHHH yes freak out mode now! Its a 10k race with 15 military obstacles thrown in, oh yeah and lots and lots of mud. I'm so happy my bff Desiree and Clyde are running it with Adam and I. I know the girls will probably stick together while the boys (veterans of the Marine Corps) will probably fly through it. It doesn't help that we are on day number 4 of straight rain. I haven't ran since Sunday (which was a run in the rain) I was really hoping to get a long run in today to help prepare for the 10k but right now its pouring and I'm in no mood to be cold and wet on a long run. I guess now I can only hope for dry weather on Sunday.....yeah according to the weatherman that's not looking good.
ok, anyways enough of me complaining, that's what a few days cooped up in the house with a toddler and newborn will do to you! Onto some good news, I stepped on the scaled this morning and I was down to 152.2. I can't be happier! My goal was to be in the 140's by June 11th (a wedding we are going to for one of Adams best friends from the Marine Corps) So the 140's are looking to be quite possible! I honestly can't remember a time in my life I was within that range. TRX bootcamp, running, yoga, and clean eating seem to be working! SO with that number in mind I am just 4 pounds away from a Lululemon outfit! Talk about motivation!! I also picked up a new book, two kisses for Maddy. Its about a Dad raising his daughter on his own after his wife died just 27 hours after she gave birth. I'm hoping during naptime I can do some reading and starbucks drinking!
More on that wedding we are going to in June! Its in Maryland and its two of the sweetest people I know! Dave is one of Adams best friends and roommate when he was in the Marine Corps. I got to know him right before the boys left for Iraq. Adam and I were newlyweds and Dave helped us out with so much paperwork that Adam just didn't have a clue about! When I was pregnant Dave and Katie came to Massachusetts for the Baby Shower! It was such a special surprise and I loved getting to know Katie better. We had met at Jason and Felecia Parks wedding. I knew I loved her then! She's adorable, has lost some major weight for her wedding, and is totally kicking ass in living a healthy life. Maybe I can get her to guest blog sometime soon! I'm sure she is overwhelmed and busy with her wedding only weeks away!! Adam is a groomsman in the wedding and Olivia is the flower girl!!! I am so excited, its going to be an amazing trip. Jason and Felecia will be there and we haven't seen them in way too long since they live in Tennessee. Felecia and I spent a lot of time together when the boys got home from Iraq. We spent almost a month in North Carolina going to the beach nearly everyday! She is such a sweetheart and her husband Jason (also one of Adams best friends from the Marine Corps) is just as awesome! I'm thrilled they will be at the wedding and we will be able to spend some quality time with some very important people in our lives!
Now I'm off to entertain the little ones! Wish me luck....its not easy in this weather.

Monday, May 16, 2011


oh Mondays........today felt like a Monday and the rain didn't help out much!

This morning I woke up ay 4:30am to head to Salem, MA for some TRX bootcamp. I love this program so much and am so glad I signed up! On the way home I stopped at Starbucks for an Ice Coffee with soy milk, so delicious! I used to be a Dunkin Donuts girl but ever since 1-2 x a week I would get a bitter cup of coffee I've been gradually making the switch over to Starbucks. Its more expensive but I have yet to have a bad cup and Dunks doesn't have Soy milk which I enjoy so much better!
Breakfast was Oats with soy milk, cinnamon, truvia, and a banana cooked overnight in the crockpot and 2 hardboiled eggs.
A few hours later I was ready for my 100 calorie pack of almonds and string cheese.
Lunch today was baked chicken, sweet potato fries, and a mix of green veggies. The fries came out amazing...I think i might have used too much olive oil they were way to good to be healthy! Mid afternoon I had a handful of almonds and some celery with hummus.
For dinner tonight I made a deer meat and veggie stirfry which came out great! I've always love a stir fries.
I had a rough night with a very special two year old. The terrible twos are really living up to thier name in this house. I am mentally exhausted from all the tantrums.
This past weekend I was in the burlington mall and got myself some new origins makeup, a bath ball from Lush, and walked into Lululemon and immediately fell in love with everything in the store! My friend and I made a plan when we made it to our first goal we would take a shopping trip there and get to buy something! The clothes are gorgeous, and unfortunately I don't own any pieces. Sooooo once I am 6 pounds down a shopping trip is in order! Will keep you posted on that, hopefully it isn't too far away! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

6.1 Miles...

Who ran 6.1 miles in the rain this morning?? This girl!! It was one of my first "longer" runs and I did it in 59 minutes. I was one proud gal! There's something about running in the rain. It is so motivating, I guess seeing all the other people run to their cars to hide from the rain and here I am enjoying every drop that hit my skin and cooled me off. I naturally have had a runners high all day and am so glad I decided to get out of bed and go!
Tonight I am having a girls night! My friends and I are going to StyleFix http://www.stylefixx.com/cities/boston/ in Boston and my sister is going to watch Olivia since Adam is at work. If you know me well Adam and I rarely go out so this is kind of a big deal! haha. I am so excited to get dressed up in my boots with an actual heel, jeans, and a cute top! Its not often these days I'm not wearing sweats....... :/
We paid $30 which includes entry, a goodie bag, drinks, and apps. I am really going to have to fight the temptation of all the yummy drinks and apps, but it wont be the end of the world if I have a treat! I did run 6 miles this morning and have eaten good all day. It could always be my cheat meal for the week! My meals have been so boring lately, not even picture worthy. My favorite thing I've been eating is asparagus wrapped in deli sliced chicken breast. So yummy and low in fat and calories!
Hope everyone is having an amazing hump day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Night

It's 9:15 on a Friday night, Adam is working, Olivia is asleep and I am finally relaxing on my couch about to read some of "Carrots N Cake" and drink my green tea. Lame I know.....but so perfect and just what I need! It's been a long week and to say I am exhausted would be an understatement. Today I decided to sleep in and skip the gym......mmm bad idea. I was up at 6 am tossing and turning. My body just wont sleep in, I may as well hit the gym. Oh well lesson learned. I ate good all day and followed my diet plan to a t! Nothing exciting but it was satisfying. After dinner I had the urge for some green tea and I had run out the other day so I decided to take Olivia for a walk to the grocery store. Well I walked up the giant hill that is my street....then decided to run! I don't know where the motivation came from but I somehow got a burst of energy. I ran all the way to the grocery store and back. I believe it is about 4.5 miles pushing a stroller with a 25 pound toddler! I felt so good after and am so glad I decided to run, I had every intention to take the day off from working out but now maybe I will take off Mothers Day instead.
Tomorrow morning is Yoga at the Yoga Tree! I am really excited for that since my muscles need a good stretching out. My cheat day this week is going to be Sunday since Adam has to work tomorrow. We are thinking of trying Burtons Grille in North Andover. I can't wait! Its going to be tough to not have a little cheat tomorrow since Saturdays are normally the day I will have a little cheat!
Hope everyone is having an exciting...or relaxing Friday night!

Day 32.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

29:40 5k!!

This morning I grabbed a spoonful of peanut butter and was out the door at 6 am. I watch my nephew on Wednesdays so I wanted to get a workout in beforehand. The night before I told myself I was going to do a long run on the treadmill.....6 miles. Well I woke up this morning still motivated for that long run but when I got on the treadmill I remembered how boooorrrrrring it is to me to run inside. I quickly lost my 6 mile run motivation, I can only hear so much about this releasing of Osamas photo and at 6 am there really isn't a crowd there to people watch! So anyways I decided to make time go faster I would run faster and try to run a 5k in under 30 minutes. Welp, for the first time I did it!! 29:40 I was pyched. I am by no means a fast runner and I know 29:40 is average or slower than average, but for me it was booking it! haha. I did some leg workouts then rushed home....(of course stopping at Dunks for my coffee) to get ready for story time with my mom, aunt and the kids!
I had some oats I had made in the crockpot which turned out really tasty, 2 hard boiled eggs, and my coffee. I grabbed some string cheese and 100 calorie pack of almonds for the ride home from story time.
Olivia loved story time, she was adorable copying what all the older kids were doing. We were heading home around 11 so I had my snack. By the time we got home I was ready for lunch which was leftover chicken, rice, and veggies. (I told you my meals these days are less than creative) The 8 week bootcamp has my diet all planned out but after that 8 weeks I am hoping I just have to maintain my weight and will be able to get back to some more creative meals!
I had a small cup of cottage cheese to hold me over until meal number "5" which is my favorite, grilled asparagus wrapped in deli chicken breast and hummus and cucumbers.
Dinner tonight was grilled salmon with mixed greens.
I got my hands on the new book "Carrots 'N' Cake and I am dying to start reading it tonight! I have bootcamp in the morning but I think I will read just a little. 4:30 comes quickly so Goodnight all!

Day 30.

Monday, May 2, 2011

TRX Bootcamp!

It started today! My 8 week bootcamp at Yoga Satki in Salem, Massachusetts. Marjan is the trainer and she is great! We meet two times a week at 5:45 am. She has created a diet plan that is leaving me surprisingly satisfied, a workout that is leaving me incredibly sore. Its a win win and I'm thinking in these 8 weeks I may make my goal!
so I weighed in at 158.2 lbs, which means I have a BMI of 26 which is slightly overweight.......but Marjan said she believes I will be at about 22-24 by the end of bootcamp. My percentage of body fat was 25 which is an acceptable number. They didn't give me my measurements but I am sure at the end of bootcamp they will!
So today I was up at 4:30, made a quick protein drink with half a scoop of protein mixed with water for the drive to Salem. I stopped at Starbucks after my workout for an iced coffee with so milk then I came home and had 2 hard boiled eggs, a slice of Eziekel Bread and half an apple. Oh, and of course a full glass of water!
Around 10 am I was hungry again, which was perfect since it was about time to eat anyways. I had a 100 calorie pack of almonds and string cheese.
For lunch today I made Salmon, sweet potato fries, and a spinach salad. It as delicious, I never realized how much I like salmon!
I was feeling really tired today and actually got to lay down on the couch for about an hour while my 2 year old jumped on my back. The mixture of waking up early and these killer allergies is really catching up to me. Around 3pm I had a greek yogurt to hold me over for my asparagus wrapped with Deli Chicken breast and hummus with cucumbers.
Dinner tong ht was a deer roast I made in the crockpot. It was the first time I had ever had Deer and I was really impressed especially since it is so lean! That with some peppers and cucumbers seasoned and baked together.
I can hardly keep my eyes open and since I was so tired today i didn't even take any pictures of my meals. Bad blogger!! I promise today if anything looks exciting I will take pictures! However no blog entry is fun without a picture so here's a picture of my little love ready for swim lessons since we will be going there again tomorrow.
Goodnight all!

Day 28.